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Turlock High NJROTC

     "Our program's mission is to instill in students in United States secondary educational institutions the values of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility and a sense of accomplishment."

  • NJROTC offers a high degree of personal honor, self-discipline, leadership, and academic achievement. 

  • The program presents opportunities for scholarships and information on military services as a possible career.

  • Students are able to partake in national competitions such as air rifle, orienteering, and academics.

  • The NJROTC program and its cadets benefit the community, the school, and most importantly themselves.








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Three-Position Sporter Air Rifle

Coached by: Major Kelly Cross

Team Captain: Cadet Evelyn Altamirano

Turlock High NJROTC Shooting team requires focus and dedication. Make every shot count and compete to be the best.

6x National runner ups and winner of the 2016 National Championship.

Academic Team

Coached by: Commander Carlos Montanez

Team Captain: Cadet Lt. JG Sarah VanHoogmoed

Test your knowledge in Naval terminology, STEM fields, and current events through rigorous study and fun-filled competition. 

Compete annually at Navy Nationals and regional competitions.


Scholarship Oppurtunities

Every year we have had qualified candidates, we have given a four-year scholarship.

Opportunities include but are not limited to ROTC scholarships and Academy applicants. Our instructors dedicate their time and efforts to ensure your success in the future.

Of the seniors who have graduated from our program, we have:

Navy ROTC: 6

United States Naval Academy: 1

For more information, see our Scholarship tab in the menu.



Latest News

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Annual Military Inspection

January 22, 2020

Turlock NJROTC hosted ____ to inspect unit personnel, the cadet staff, program instructors, and overall military appearance and performance of the Bulldog Company. 

Awards Night

Date Pending

NJROTC will be hosting a virtual awards night this year to congratulate the many cadets who have put in the hard work to make this unit great! Stay tuned for more inform

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Turlock, CA, USA

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